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Co-hosts Stephen Indrisano and Phoenix Crockett read Stephen King and offer jokes, puns, insight, analyses, and, if you're lucky, musical numbers! Join us as we work through every single one of  King's best-selling novels, laughing and screaming through the good, the bad, and The Tommyknockers.


A Comedy Book Club Podcast

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In the spirit of book clubs everywhere, we invite you to join us in discussing Stephen King and all things spooky! 

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SEASON ONE ---------------------------------------------


Carrie - COMPLETE! Episode 1 


'Salem's Lot - COMPLETE! Episodes 2 and 3 


The Shining - COMPLETE! Episodes 4 and 5


The Stand - COMPLETE! Episodes 6 through 9


The Dead Zone - COMPLETE! Episode 10


Firestarter - COMPLETE! Episode 11


Cujo - COMPLETE! Episode 12


Different Seasons - COMPLETE! Episodes 13 through 15


Pet Sematary - COMPLETE! Episode 16


The Talisman - COMPLETE! Episode 17 and 18


Thinner - COMPLETE! Episode 19


Skeleton Crew - COMPLETE! Episodes 20-22


It - COMPLETE! Episodes 23-24


The Eyes of the Dragon - COMPLETE! Episode 25


Misery - COMPLETE! Episode 26



SEASON 2 ------------------------------------------------------



The Tommyknockers - COMPLETE! Episodes 29-30 


The Dark Half - COMPLETE! Episode 31
Four Past Midnight - COMPLETE! Episodes 32-33


Gerald’s Game - COMPLETE! Episode 34


Dolores Claiborne - COMPLETE! Episode 35


Insomnia - COMPLETE! Episodes 36-37


The Green Mile - COMPLETE! Episodes 38-39


Desperation - IN PROGRESS! Episodes 40-41


The Regulators - COMPLETE! Episode 42


Bag of Bones - COMPLETE! Episodes 43-44


The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon - COMPLETE! Episode 45


On Writing - COMPLETE! Episode 46

Dreamcatcher - COMPLETE! Episode 47


Black House -  COMPLETE! Episode 48


Everything’s Eventual - COMPLETE! Episode 49-51


The Gunslinger - COMPLETE! Episode 52


The Drawing of the Three - COMPLETE! Episode 53

The Wastelands - COMPLETE! Episode 54


Wizard and Glass - COMPLETE! Episodes 55-56


Wolves of Calla - COMPLETE! Episodes 57 - 58


Song of Susannah - COMPLETE! Episode 59


The Dark Tower - COMPLETE! Episode 60


The Wind Through The Key Hole - coming soon . . . 


From a Buick 8 - COMPLETE! Episode 60


Cell - COMPLETE! Episode 61


Lisey’s Story - COMPLETE! Episode 62


Duma Key - COMPLETE! Episode 63


Under the Dome - 


11/22/63 - 


The Grand Design - 


21875 - 


Doctor Sleep - 


Mr. Mercedes - 


Revival - 


Finders Keepers - 


The Outsider - 


The Institute - 


If It Bleeds -


Later - 

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