Recent Articles

Overcoming FOMO

FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is a very real thing in photography. Here are some of the places it crops up, and what you can do to get past it.

Photography Has No Limits

Where photography is concerned, it truly is possible to create whatever you can imagine. Here are some ways to get your creative ideas flowing!

Copyrights and the Community

It doesn’t take much to say something when you think it might be necessary—and it can be a good way to help foster a sense of community.

The True Meaning of Originality

In this day and age of Google Image Search and photographic travel guides, what does it truly mean to be original? Here are my thoughts on originality.

Balancing Perfection

If ever there were a creative devil, it’s perfectionism. Learn how to selectively cut corners to move on to new projects rather than rehashing the old.