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I provide intuitive insights to help you overcome self-doubt by activating your brilliance and supporting your journey to success.

Whether you are challenged by a life transition, spiritual confusion, purposeful direction, relationship pitfalls, or any of the other human and soul blocks, intuitive coaching insight is the way to go. 


Why make it harder on yourself by stumbling through all the avenues possible when I have the compass to help you navigate to your greatest success? 


I'll lend you my navigational systems until yours is up and running optimally for you. Sound good? Great! Let's get started. 





Ridiculously cute Willow and her "baby" to bring joy to your day. She may be available for consultation during your sessions, depending on her nap schedule. It's a big nap schedule. She's found inner peace and no longer stresses about anything.
May we all be Willowlike one day.

Mark L

Senior Editor


"One session with you, honestly, goes to places that I don't go to in years of therapy. I love and value therapy, but because you work on the soul and energy levels, I experience myself becoming "unstuck" from stuck places in very tangible ways..."


About Vicki Baird Coaching


Welcome to the transformative space where happiness becomes a tangible reality. I'm Vicki Baird, your intuitive guide in this process of life and soul happiness.


With over 22 years of experience, I've been dedicated to helping individuals integrate their soul's essence into their lives for unparalleled success.


Why Choose Vicki Baird Coaching?


At the core of my approach is the Success Compass Model™. Together, we navigate the intricate paths of your life, needs, and desires, defining your happiness and success on your terms. I specialize in integrating your soul into the fabric of your being, a crucial element for human joy. 


What Sets Me Apart?


You mean besides my sparkling, quick-wit personality? 


I don't just coach; I catalyze.


Whether it's aligning with your soul's essence, releasing limiting

belief systems and blocks, exploring brain neuroplasticity, or embracing the humor

in life, I guide you in knowing your brilliance. 


It's not about generic solutions; it's about unlocking the answers within you so you can trust in your own brilliance.


Ready to define success on your terms? 


Home: Headliner

The Ways We Can Work Together


A one-time check in for a now question.


Your individual plan for success with ongoing coaching.


Group coaching, self-directed coaching bundles, courses, podcast, and more!

Your Success Compass

    Intuition is the not-so-secret ingredient to long-lasting success in life, business, and spirituality.


    Why don't we use it more? Access it more? Benefit from it? Tune in to learn how YOU can do all of this and create your definition of success!


New episodes twice a month.


On Youtube

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Call, text, or email me and let's talk.


                   (518) 777-2770

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