Telling good stories

Seeds Podcast

with Steven Moe

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Here’s what’s new

Cover of the document: Legal Opinion on Enabling Impact Investing

Legal Opinion on Enabling Impact Investing

The Apple Tree picture book.

Laying Foundations for Reimagining Business: Essays

Seeds Podcast is about telling good stories

… and catalysing impact by planting seeds in the minds of listeners.

I view each conversation as being like a seed. With the right conditions, each life story will inspire growth for the listener.

By listening to someone’s full life story, we can learn from them, and new things can be planted and begin to grow.

Now with more than 383 episodes.

Stay curious.

| Steven Moe

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Ki te mea ka taka te kākano ki te wāhi e tika ana ka tinaku, ā, ka pihi ake he tipu hou.
If a seed falls in the right place, it will germinate and a new seedling will sprout.

On using time well, being efficient and choosing projects

This episode is a short reflection in response to a listener’s questions about how I use my time and how I choose projects.  If it helps your thinking why not…

Paul McGregor on the power of Facilitation

Paul McGregor on the power of Facilitation

I always enjoy catching up with people doing interesting things who specialise in things that we can all learn about.  In this case I talked with Paul McGregor about Facilitation.…

On using Time, Being Efficient and choosing Projects

On using Time, Being Efficient and choosing Projects

I recently spoke at a dinner for Principals, Deputy Principals and other Christchurch school leaders (out at remote Terrace Downs in the foothills of the Southern Alps). I shared about…

Shamubeel Eaqub in conversation with Steven Moe on Impact Investing

Shamubeel Eaqub in conversation with Steven Moe on Impact Investing

This is the audio of the conversation held about Impact Investing to release the legal opinion on that topic. You can download the legal opinion discussed here.  Impact Investment |…

Impact Investing Legal Opinion: Audio version read by Steven Moe

Impact Investing Legal Opinion: Audio version read by Steven Moe

This is the audio version of my reading out the legal opinion that I wrote which Parry Field Lawyers has released this week on the 20th March 2024.  It tackles…

Weaving Creativity into all of your Life

Weaving Creativity into all of your Life

I went back to my former High School and spoke with 55 students about creativity and integrating it into all of your life.  I try and do this as a…

Chinese language of The Apple Tree

Chinese language of The Apple Tree

Thanks to Bruce Gu and Ada Wang for this translation! 第一部分:春天 我记得小男孩之前在夏天来看过我。一天他和他的祖母把我种在这里。他们探索后来到这个小山谷,离主路很远。我依稀听见祖母说她跟她的祖父母很多年前来到相同的地点。 他们把我种在这条缓慢并懒洋洋流动的小溪边,摇摆的光线反射在我的树枝上就像是婚礼上撒在新娘新郎身上的五彩纸屑。 我在很长时间前就放弃寻找在这里欢庆的意义。小溪就这样一直哗啦啦,但是没办法有什么交流。它用漩涡跟流动一次又一次的跟溪里的石头,沙,鱼还有青蛙说话。 但是我感谢这条小溪,我的树根在很久以前就找到了它,夏天周围的地都干硬了。如果我没有被小心的种下,在岸边成长,可能很久以前就枯萎了。 “让我们看看会发生什么”祖母慢慢得说。在他们种我的土壤上,我听见他们脚步越来越远。 第二部分:夏天 我没办法告诉你接下来几年发生的事,因为那时我在从一个种子,长到小苗,再到小树。那个男孩是在夏天的时候回来的,在我长大后帮我修剪。在我成长的时候,他经常坐在我旁边,或者靠着我。他的祖母很少跟着他来,我看着她衰老的速度快过我跟男孩成长的速度。 他们坐在我的下面说了很久的话,我也在听着他们的对话。他们讨论着过去,现在,未来。我意识到最后一次看见祖母的时候,她步履蹒跚,坐在我的树荫下倚靠着一根拐杖。 下一个夏天当男孩再来的时候,他变得比之前来看我的时候深思熟虑了,坐在那里,看着水在流动。他在思考,然后往小溪里扔小石头,听着水面发出的声响。 但是平静无声。最后一次见到这个男孩,他已经长大成人了。我也为我自己自豪,已经结出了苹果,我看见他拿了一个并吃了。然后我发现他的手上拿了个斧头,他走进并举起了它,我颤抖了起来。他用它砍我,深深的砍了几道后,他拿走了没有往小溪上生长的树枝。男人改变了我的角度,只使我在水面上垂下。我感觉他砍下了我的一只胳膊,我对此感到很愤怒。被砍下树枝上的苹果散落在地上显得特别凌乱。那个时候,我就知道这在某种程度上改变了我的命运。 被男人砍断的树枝躺在那里,与我是分离的,却又与我紧密相连,直到他找到了最直的一根树枝做了拐杖。难道这就是我的作用吗? 我感觉到了极大的背叛。在他离开之前,他站在我的面前,风声安静了,在我树枝上的鸟也停止了歌唱,太阳也更加的耀眼。 “我拿走你的一部分去指引我”,他说。他很正式得告诉我。虽然我的态度轻蔑,但我还是尽我所能的向他鞠躬。然后他走了,去过他的人生,把我孤独的留在了这里。 第三部分: 秋天 时光飞逝,季节是我唯一的陪伴。它们彼此之间待得够久,这感觉很舒适,不像小鸟们快速得飞来飞去我无法在它们身上集中精力。在冬天,落下的雪让我深感寒意,但由此产生宁静的安宁是值得的。 春天看着我又一次成长,并且结出新的花朵,每一朵都代表着一个有希望的未来。在夏天,我的苹果在阳光下越长越大,我真的为他们感到骄傲,然而随着白天越来越短,他们就从我身上掉落了。 我在秋天大部分时间是伤心的,因为它带走了我身上的部分,那个男人让我只有一些地方结出苹果。小溪感激得收了他们,苹果落在小溪里的声音就像是潜水员滑入水中的声音。我能做的就是看着它们顺流而下,绕入弯道。看到它们离开让我很难过。 每年的这个时候,我对那个男人都会充满愤怒。虽然年少的他给了我生命和照顾我,但是他也毁了我,因为没有一棵树跟我一起成长。所有那些可能的陪伴都被洗涮到小溪的下游直到消失。我一直问自己为什么这一切要发生在我身上。…

Book reviews of The Apple Tree

Book reviews of The Apple Tree

Review by Terry Toner of DustyShelves Book Reviews and Bookbits The Apple Tree by Steve Moe with illustrations by Cricket McCormick – published in paperback by Seeds Press.Author Steven Moe…

Rob Cousins on Navigating Complexity in life and cofounding Open Change

Rob Cousins on Navigating Complexity in life and cofounding Open Change

Change is a certainty in life, but how will you cope with it?  I enjoyed talking with Rob Cousins about the venture he cofounded called Open Change.  As usual we…